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    Is Marching  Enough?

    Is Marching Enough?

    Written by Rasheda Kilpatrick | @thatgirlsheed  
    So on a scale of ‘I’m not a master at spades’ to ‘I can’t even fry chicken’, how fast would my Black card be revoked if I said I was sick of marching? Once again America is on fire – literally…

    A Higher Calling

    A Higher Calling

    Written by Shayla S. Womack | @CueTheCulture
    Have you ever met someone and immediately felt as if you’ve met a kindred spirit? I’m talking about having a conversation with a person and with every anecdote they offer, you find something in yourself that you can relate to…


    You Betta Sang!

    You Betta Sang!

    Written by Charles M. Anderson | @Chacarlo
    Time has become a blur causing all the days to appear the same. The weekends are just not as cool as they once were. Nevertheless, we all have arrived at that time of the year where we celebrate the completion of chapters of so many lives across the nation…



    You Betta Sang!

    You Betta Sang!

    Written by Charles M. Anderson | @Chacarlo
    Time has become a blur causing all the days to appear the same. The weekends are just not as cool as they once were. Nevertheless, we all have arrived at that time of the year where we celebrate the completion of chapters of so many lives across the nation…

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